¿Cómo satisfacer las necesidades específicas de la atención al cliente de servicios financieros?

¿Todas las consultas de servicio al cliente (preventa, ventas y posventa) son iguales en todas las industrias y organizaciones? En primer lugar, reconozcamos que los requisitos generales para el servicio de atención al cliente son:

  • Personal con un amplio conocimiento de productos y procesos.
  • Tiempo de espera (incluida la tasa de abandono y otros KPI operativos)
  • Empatía (entre otras habilidades personales)
  • Fuerte liderazgo de los agentes para guiar a los clientes hacia la solución deseada.

Ahora, abordemos la siguiente pregunta: ¿Son estos requisitos similares en todas las industrias?

  • La respuesta inicial que viene a la mente es que diferentes productos/servicios pueden requerir diferentes niveles de entrega. Sin embargo, no se debe necesariamente a que los productos/servicios sean diferentes, sino más bien a las posibles consecuencias de no cumplir con el nivel esperado que diferencian a las empresas.

Por ejemplo, tener un problema con una dirección de entrega puede causar un retraso de 24 horas en la entrega de un libro, lo cual es frustrante para el cliente. Sin embargo, una entrada de dirección incorrecta puede tener graves consecuencias para una ambulancia de emergencia

  • Otro factor es la configuración de la organización, lo que significa que las formas en que se generan y comparten los procesos, las políticas y el conocimiento del producto/servicio dependen de la organización empresarial en general.

Por ejemplo, si todas las actividades empresariales son internas y se encuentran en una única ubicación, el flujo de trabajo para el abastecimiento, la creación y el intercambio de información clave (conocimiento) será completamente diferente en comparación con una
organización con varios sitios y una combinación de operaciones de servicio internas y subcontratadas.

  • El nivel de cumplimiento y las restricciones legales también pueden variar mucho según el tipo de servicio. Ciertos mercados están sujetos a estrictas normas legales y están obligados a proporcionar información dentro de un formato específico.

Por ejemplo, si vendes zapatos en línea o si estás en el negocio de préstamos bancarios, tus limitaciones y responsabilidades corporativas son de una naturaleza muy diferente

  • Además, algunas industrias tienen procesos inherentemente complejos y deben realizar un seguimiento del histórico (trazabilidad). Hacer un seguimiento de las políticas pasadas y los procedimientos a largo plazo requiere gestionar una cantidad significativa de información y conocimientos con disciplina

Por ejemplo, en la industria de la electrónica de consumo, no es vital realizar un seguimiento de las especificaciones de hardware de una grabadora de CD ROM que un cliente compró hace 10 años, pero es fundamental que un banco comprenda las condiciones bajo las cuales se le otorgó a un cliente una hipoteca hace 15 años.

Ahora, repasemos qué hace que la atención al cliente de servicios financieros sea tan específica en términos de expectativas para el servicio al cliente y qué hace que las industrias financieras (bancos, proveedores de crédito, seguros, etc.) sean diferentes en la forma en que brindan información a los clientes.

En SHA, trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con nuestros clientes para garantizar que nuestra solución de gestión del conocimiento se adapte a sus niveles de calidad específicos, al tiempo que mejoramos tanto el coste de servicio como la experiencia del personal.

Entonces, ¿qué tiene de específico la gestión de información financiera? Con base en la experiencia de SHA, se destacan los siguientes puntos:

  • Volumen masivo de información de diferentes fuentes y formatos de datos. Los procesos financieros a menudo incluyen documentación heredada, así como documentos editados recientemente de los departamentos legales, financieros, comerciales y de marketing.
  • Procesos y procedimientos largos y complejos. Esto requiere técnicas especiales, como los flujos de decisión en árbol, para mejorar la comunicación y las interacciones con los clientes. No es factible que el personal de Atención al Cliente absorba todos los detalles de cada procedimiento.
  • Procedimientos con exposición legal la mayoría de las veces. Proporcionar información inexacta puede conllevar importantes riesgos financieros y de imagen. Si el servicio de atención al cliente se subcontrata a un BPO, el contenido debe ser validado por expertos internos, ya que no se pueden delegar responsabilidades críticas.
  • La experiencia del cliente se ve afectada por la “facilidad para interactuar”. Es un hecho conocido que el personal de Servicio al Cliente puede explicar las cosas mejor y más rápido cuando la información se presenta de manera amigable.
  • Dificultad para entrenar y retener conocimientos por parte de los usuarios. Con la volatilidad de las especificaciones de los productos y los cambios en las políticas, es difícil mantenerse al día con los conocimientos, incluso en cuestiones básicas como los tipos de cambio o las tasas de interés.
  • Abordar el 100% de las preguntas es crucial. A diferencia de otras empresas, incluso una pregunta no frecuente merece la misma atención que las 10 consultas principales. Las herramientas públicas de conocimiento de la IA no pueden considerarse lo suficientemente seguras para recuperar información crítica.

SHA-SAAS también aporta nuestra experiencia del cliente a la solución, proporcionando las siguientes áreas de oportunidades:

  • Sistema único para controlar todos los procesos y procedimientos. Todas las entradas de legal, marketing, ventas, finanzas, etc. se consolidan en un solo sistema con una herramienta de búsqueda simple y altamente eficiente.
  • Control de calidad y control de distribución. Los comentarios sobre la experiencia de los agentes y los clientes se utilizan para identificar los procesos más difíciles de entender, lo que permite a los autores reelaborarlos y mejorarlos
  • Gestión del cambio. El conocimiento debe ser dinámico, y las formas de proporcionarlo requieren planes de mejora continua tanto para el propio conocimiento como para sus usuarios.
  • Creación de documentación formal/aprobada/procedimientos operativos estándar. Los exhaustivos procesos de aprobación garantizan el cumplimiento de las normas de gobernanza de las instituciones financieras, adaptándose a configuraciones de operaciones simples y complejas.
  • Funciones integradas de control y planificación de la formación. El conocimiento es crítico, pero el uso del conocimiento por parte del personal de Servicio al Cliente es aún más importante. Los módulos de formación avanzados, los programas de formación personalizados individuales y la supervisión del rendimiento del conocimiento individual están integrados en el Sistema de Gestión del Conocimiento.
  • Análisis de “GAPS” y sugerencias de mejora. Nuestras herramientas de gestión del conocimiento basadas en IA permiten detectar desviaciones de calidad en el contenido y sugieren mejoras.

Los clientes de SHA han disfrutado de los siguientes beneficios utilizando nuestro Sistema de Gestión del Conocimiento:

  • Reducción importante de papeleo. No solo eliminando el conocimiento basado en “papel”, sino también reduciendo y optimizando los flujos de proceso en una ventanilla única de conocimiento.
  • Refuerzo y agilización de los procesos de homologación. Alineación de los procesos de aprobación con las Directrices de Gobierno Corporativo, proporcionando un flujo de trabajo transparente, rápido y exhaustivo para la creación de conocimientos.
  • Reducción de las necesidades de formación “presencial”. Reducción de la duración de la formación para el nuevo personal y actualización de la formación, lo que conduce a una mayor productividad per cápita y una mejor sincronía con los nuevos productos y anuncios de políticas.
  • Mejora en la precisión de la resolución de problemas y reducción del tiempo invertido. Una mejor información proporcionada a los equipos de servicio al cliente conduce a una mejor productividad.
  • Mejora de la experiencia del cliente y del personal. El suministro de información precisa y actualizada y la orientación eficiente dan como resultado una experiencia mejorada tanto para los clientes como para el personal.

Si comparamos los logros/beneficios de SHA con los requisitos de servicio al cliente identificados mencionados anteriormente, podemos ver lo siguiente:

Necesidades genéricasFuncionalidades y Beneficios de SHA para gestionar el ConocimientoIdoneidad de Atención al Cliente para el Sector Financiero y SHA
Personal con el máximo conocimiento de productos y procesos La gestión del conocimiento básico con la función de formación integrada SHAadmite información multiformato y garantiza la actualización de los datos utilizados por los equipos de servicio al cliente. Es perfecto para la gobernanza interna de la validación central con operaciones remotas de BPO.
Procesos orientados al cliente y políticas amigables para el clienteLa retroalimentación integrada del personal de Servicio al Cliente sobre el Sistema de Gestión del Conocimiento y el módulo de coaching SHA permiten mejoras continuas del personal.Las explicaciones claras son esenciales para los procesos financieros complejos.
Tiempo de espera:La reducción de la duración de las llamadas con información precisa y fácil de encontrar mejora la eficiencia operativa,que es crucial para las operaciones financieras rentables.
Empatía (dentro de otras habilidades blandas)El personal de servicio al cliente bien capacitado y proporcionado con información de soporte clara puede centrarse en la satisfacción del cliente y mejorar la retención y la adquisición.La satisfacción del cliente se ha convertido en un fuerte diferenciador a medida que los clientes de servicios financieros se vuelven más volátiles con el crecimiento de las ofertas de banca y seguros en línea.
Fuerte liderazgo de los agentes para guiar a los clientes hacia la solución u oferta esperada:El enfoque de la capacitación y la educación del personal cambia a la gestión del flujo de llamadas en lugar de al conocimiento puro y duro. El seguimiento de la formación individual y en equipo refuerza la calidad de las interacciones con los clientes y prospectos, lo que conduce a la reducción de costos y al crecimiento de los ingresosla resolución a la primera para el soporte y la tasa de conversión
Tabla 1: resumen rápido de SHA KMS que se adapta a las necesidades de CS de servicios financieros

En conclusión, si bien los servicios financieros requieren que se cumplan los requisitos básicos del servicio de atención al cliente, existen elementos adicionales que deben tenerse en cuenta y abordarse. El Sistema de Gestión del Conocimiento de SHA ofrece estos elementos de una manera práctica y rentable.

Y si SHA sobresale en el cumplimiento de las expectativas más exigentes, también es una gran opción para todos los demás mercados con diferentes niveles de rendimiento esperado

SHA es un sistema de gestión del conocimiento diseñado y desarrollado por expertos en servicio al cliente experimentados que han aportado su visión y experiencia operativa diaria para ofrecer un sistema que mejora la experiencia del cliente, mejora la experiencia del personal y reduce el costo del servicio.

Para más información, contáctenos en:


Comment répondre aux besoins spécifiques des Services Clients du Secteur Financier ?

Si les requêtes gérées par les Services Clients (avant-vente, vente et après-vente) sont de nature très différentes selon les secteurs d’activité et selon les types d’organisations, reconnaissons que les exigences génériques communes a la plupart des Services Clients sont les suivantes :

  • Equipes Services Clients avec connaissances approfondies des produits et des processus.
  • Processus orientés client.
  • Temps d’attente (comme le taux d’abandon et autres KPI opérationnels) maitrisé.
  • Empathie (entre autres soft skills)
  • Un leadership fort de la part des agents pour guider les clients vers la solution souhaitée.

Abordons maintenant la question suivante : les niveaux d’
exigences sont-ils similaires dans tous les secteurs ?

  • La première réponse qui vient à l’esprit est que différents produits/services peuvent nécessiter différents niveaux de performance. Cependant, ce n’est pas nécessairement parce que les produits/services sont différents, mais ce sont plutôt les conséquences potentielles de l’incapacité à atteindre le niveau attendu qui différencient les activités.

Par exemple, avoir un problème avec une adresse de livraison peut entraîner un retard de 24 heures dans la livraison d’un livre, ce qui est frustrant pour le client. Mais, dans le domaine de la santé une mauvaise saisie d’adresse peut avoir de graves conséquences pour une ambulance dispatchée en urgence.

  • Un autre facteur est la configuration de l’organisation, ce qui signifie que la manière dont les processus, les règles de fonctionnement et les connaissances sur les produits/services sont générées et partagées dépend de l’organisation globale de l’entreprise.

Par exemple, si toutes les activités commerciales et opérationnelles sont internes et situées dans un seul endroit, le flux de travail pour la création, la diffusion et le partage d’informations clés (connaissances) sera complètement différent de celui d’une organisation avec plusieurs sites et un mélange d’opérations internes et externalisées.

  • Le niveau de conformité et les contraintes légales peuvent également varier considérablement en fonction du type de service. Certains marchés sont soumis à des règles juridiques strictes et sont tenus de fournir des informations dans un format spécifique.

Par exemple, si vous vendez des chaussures en ligne ou si vous êtes dans le secteur des prêts bancaires, vos contraintes et vos engagements d’entreprise sont d’une nature très différente.

  • De plus, certaines industries ont des processus intrinsèquement complexes et doivent garder une trace de l’héritage historique. Le suivi des politiques passées et des procédures à long terme nécessite de gérer une quantité importante d’informations et de connaissances avec discipline.

Par exemple, dans l’industrie de l’électronique grand public, il n’est pas essentiel de garder une trace des spécifications matérielles d’un graveur de CD-ROM qu’un client a acheté il y a 10 ans, mais il est essentiel pour une banque de comprendre les conditions dans lesquelles un client a obtenu un certain taux hypothécaire il y a 15 ans.

Voyons maintenant ce qui rend le Support Client du Secteur Financier si spécifique en terme d’attentes et ce qui différencie ce secteur d’activité (banques, fournisseurs de crédit, assurances, etc.) dans la façon dont sont fournies les informations aux clients.

Chez SHA, nous avons travaillé en étroite collaboration avec l’un de nos clients, une  Institution Financière réputée, pour nous assurer que notre solution de gestion des connaissances (Knowledge Management System) correspondait aux attentes spécifiques du secteur d’activité tout en améliorant les coûts de service.

Alors, qu’y a-t-il de si spécifique dans la fourniture d’informations financières ? Sur la base de l’expérience de SHA, les points suivants ressortent :

  • Volume massif d’informations provenant de différentes sources avec des formats de données variés. Les processus financiers incluent souvent de la documentation “historique” ainsi que des documents récemment édités par les services juridiques, financiers, commerciaux et marketing.
  • Des processus et des procédures longs et complexes. Cela nécessite des techniques spéciales, telles que les flux de décision en arbre, pour améliorer la communication et les interactions avec les clients. Il n’est pas possible pour le personnel du service client d’absorber tous les détails de chaque procédure.
  • Procédures et gouvernance a très forte sensibilité légale et règlementaire. Fournir des informations inexactes peut entraîner des risques d’image et financiers majeurs. Si le service client est externalisé à un BPO, le contenu doit être validé par des experts internes, car les responsabilités critiques ne peuvent pas être déléguées..
  • L‘expérience client directement impactée par des explications claires. C’est un fait connu que le personnel du service à la clientèle peut expliquer les choses mieux et plus rapidement lorsque l‘information lui est présentée de manière simple.
  • Difficulté pour former les équipes et de s’assurer de la bonne restitution de l’ensemble des sujets. Avec la volatilité des spécifications des produits et les changements de procédures, il est difficile de suivre les connaissances, même sur des questions de base comme les taux de change et les taux d’intérêt.
  • Il est crucial de répondre à 100 % des questions. Contrairement à d’autres secteurs d’activité, même une question non fréquemment posée mérite la même attention que les requêtes du top10. Les outils publics de connaissance de l’IA ne peuvent pas être considérés comme suffisamment sûrs pour récupérer des informations critiques.

SHA-SAAS apporte également son expertise client à la solution, offrant ainsi les bénéfices suivants :

  • Système unique pour contrôler tous les processus et procédures. Toutes les données provenant des divisions juridiques, du marketing, des ventes, de la finance, etc. sont regroupées dans un seul système avec un outil de recherche simple et efficace.
  • Contrôle de la qualité et contrôle de la distribution. Les commentaires sur l’expérience des agents et des clients sont utilisés pour identifier les processus les plus difficiles à comprendre, ce qui permet à leurs auteurs de les retravailler et de les améliorer.
  • Gestion du changement. Les connaissances doivent être dynamiques, et les méthodes de transmission des connaissances nécessitent des plans d’amélioration continue, tant pour les connaissances elles-mêmes que pour leurs utilisateurs.
  • Création de documents formellement vérifiés et approuvés en conformité aux procédures opérationnelles standard. Des processus d’approbation rigoureux garantissent la conformité aux règles de gouvernance des institutions financières, en s’adaptant aux différentes configurations opérationnelles qu’elles soient partiellement ou intégralement internalisées ou externalisées.
  • Fonctions intégrées de contrôle et de planification de la formation. Les connaissances sont essentielles, mais l’utilisation des connaissances par le personnel du service client est encore plus importante. Des modules de formation avancées, des programmes de formation personnalisés et un suivi individuel des performances des connaissances sont intégrés dans le système de gestion des connaissances.
  • Analyse des écarts et suggestions d’amélioration. Nos outils de gestion des connaissances de la qualité basés sur l’IA (Outils développés en interne) permettent de détecter les signaux faibles de dérives de qualité dans le contenu et de suggérer des améliorations.

Les clients SHA actifs dans le secteur des Services Financiers ont bénéficié des avantages suivants en utilisant notre système de gestion des connaissances :

  • Réduction importante des supports papier et des fichiers obsolètes. Non seulement l’élimination de l’utilisation de documents imprimés mais aussi réduction et optimisation des flux de processus dans un guichet unique de connaissances..
  • Renforcement et rationalisation des processus d’approbation. Alignement des processus d’approbation sur les directives de gouvernance d’entreprise, fournissant un flux de travail transparent, rapide et complet pour la création de connaissances.
  • Réduction des besoins de formation « en classe ». Réduction de la durée de la formation des nouveaux employés et des mises à jour de formation, ce qui permet d’augmenter la productivité par tête et d’améliorer la synchronisation avec les nouveaux produits et les annonces de nouvelles procédures.
  • Amélioration de la précision des résolutions de problèmes et réduction du temps investi. De meilleures informations fournies aux équipes du service client permettent une meilleure productivité.
  • Amélioration de l’Expérience Client et de l’Expérience des Equipes Service Clients. Une fourniture d’informations précises et à jour et des conseils efficaces permettent d’améliorer l’expérience des clients et du personnel.

Si nous comparons les réalisations/avantages de SHA avec les exigences du service client identifiées précédemment, nous pouvons voir ce qui suit :

Besoins GénériquesFunctionalities et Bénéfices de SHA pour gérer la ConnaissanceAdequations Service Clients Secteur Financier et SHA
Personnel ayant une connaissance approfondie des produits et des processusGestion des connaissances de base avec fonction de formation intégréeSHA prend en charge les informations multiformats et garantit la fraîcheur des données utilisées par les équipes du service client. Il s’agit d’une solution idéale pour la gouvernance interne de la validation de base avec des opérations BPO à distance.
Processus orientés clientRetour d’information intégré de la part du service clientèle sur le système de gestion des connaissances, de plus le module de coaching SHA permet une amélioration continue du connaissance et des soft skills des équipes qui interagissent avec les clients.Conseils pertinents et explications claires sont essentiels pour que les clients naviguent en toute connaissance dans des processus financiers complexes.
Temps d’attenteRéduction des temps d’attente et de la durée des appels grâce à des informations précises et faciles à trouver, cela améliore l’efficacité opérationnelle.Crucial pour des opérations financières compétitives.
Empathie (parmi d’autres compétences générales) des équipes Service Clients.Equipes Service Clients bien formées et dotées d’informations d’assistance claires peut se concentrer sur la satisfaction des clients et améliorer la rétention et l’acquisition.La satisfaction des clients est devenue un facteur de différenciation important, car les clients des services financiers deviennent plus volatiles avec la croissance des offres de banque et d’assurance en ligne.
Leadership fort de l’agent pour guider les clients vers la solution ou l’offre attendueLa formation et l’éducation du personnel se concentrent sur la gestion des appels plutôt que sur les connaissances techniques. Le suivi des parcours de formation individuelle et en équipe renforce la qualité des interactions avec les clients et les prospects, conduisant à une réduction des coûts et à une croissance des revenusRésolution initiale des problèmes et taux de conversion optimal.
Tableau 1 : résumé rapide de l’adéquation de SHA KMS aux besoins CS des services financiers.

En conclusion, bien que les Service Clients des Services Financiers exigent, comme la plupart des autres secteurs d’activité, que les fondamentaux du service à la clientèle soient délivrés, il y a des éléments supplémentaires qui doivent être pris en compte et abordés. Le Système de Gestion des Connaissances de SHA fournit ces éléments de manière pratique, simple et particulièrement économique.

Et si SHA excelle à répondre aux attentes les plus exigeantes, il convient également parfaitement à tous les autres secteurs avec différents niveaux de performance attendus.

SHA est un système de gestion des connaissances conçu et développé par des experts expérimentés et chevronnés du service à la clientèle qui ont apporté leur vision et leur expérience opérationnelle quotidienne pour offrir un système qui améliore l’expérience client, améliore l’expérience du personnel et réduit le coût du service !

Pour plus d’information, contactez nous sur:


How to meet the specific needs of Financial Services Customer Support?

Are all Customer Service queries (Pre-Sales, Sales, and Post-Sales) the same across industries and organizations? Let’s first acknowledge that the general requirements for Customer Service are:

  • Staff with extensive product and process knowledge
  • Customer-oriented processes and policies
  • Waiting time (including abandon rate and other operational KPIs)
  • Empathy (among other soft skills)
  • Strong leadership from agents to guide customers to the desired solution.

Let’s now try to answer the next question: are those requirements’ expected level of delivery similar across all industries?

  • The initial answer that comes to mind is that different products/services may require different levels of delivery. However, it’s not necessarily because the products/services are different, but rather the potential consequences of failing to meet the expected level that differentiate businesses.

For example, having an issue with a delivery address can cause a 24-hour delay in delivering a book, which is frustrating for the client. However, a wrong address entry can have severe consequences for an emergency ambulance.

  • Another factor is the organization’s setup, which means that the ways processes, policies, and product/service knowledge are generated and shared depend on the overall business organization.

For instance, if all business activities are in-house and located in a single location, the workflow for sourcing, authoring, and sharing key information (knowledge) will be completely different compared to an organization with multiple sites and a mix of in-house and outsourced service operations.

  • The level of compliance and legal constraints can also vary greatly depending on the type of service. Certain markets are subject to strict legal rules and are required to provide information within a specific format.

For example, if you’re selling shoes online or if you’re in the bank loan business, your constraints and corporate liabilities are of a very different nature.

  • Additionally, some industries have inherently complex processes and must keep track of historical legacy. Keeping track of past policies and long-term procedures requires managing a significant amount of information and knowledge with discipline.

For instance, in the consumer electronics industry, it’s not vital to keep track of the hardware specs of a CD ROM burner a customer purchased 10 years ago, but it is critical for a bank to understand the conditions under which a client was granted a certain mortgage rate 15 years ago.

Now, let’s review what makes Financial Services Customer Support so specific in terms of expectations for Customer Service and what makes Financial Industries (banks, credit providers, insurances, etc.) different in the way they provide information to customers.

At SHA, we worked closely with one of our highly reputed financial institution clients to ensure that our Knowledge Management Solution fits their market-specific quality levels while improving their cost of service and enhancing the staff experience.

So, what is so specific about financial information provision? Based on SHA’s experience, the following points stand out:

  • Massive volume of information from different data sources and formats. Financial processes often include legacy documentation as well as recently edited documents from legal, financial, commercial, and marketing departments.
  • Long and complex processes and procedures. This requires special techniques, such as tree-decision flows, to improve communication and interactions with customers. It’s not feasible for Customer Service staff to absorb all the details of each procedure.
  • Bidding procedures with legal exposure most of the time. Providing inaccurate information can lead to major image and financial risks. If Customer Service is outsourced to a BPO, the content must be validated by in-house experts as critical responsibilities cannot be delegated.
  • Customer experience affected by being “easy to do business with.” It’s a known fact that Customer Service staff can explain things better and faster when information is presented in a friendly manner.
  • Difficulty in training and retaining knowledge by users. With volatile product specifications and policy changes, it’s challenging to keep up with knowledge even on basic questions like exchange rates and interest rates.
  • Addressing 100% of the questions is crucial. Unlike other businesses, even a non-frequently asked question deserves the same attention as the top 10 queries. Public AI knowledge tools cannot be considered safe enough to retrieve critical information.

SHA-SAAS also brings our Customer Expertise to the solution, providing the following areas of opportunities:

  • Single system to control all processes and procedures. All inputs from legal, marketing, sales, finance, etc. are consolidated into one system with a simple and highly efficient search tool.
  • Quality control and distribution control. Agent and client experience feedback is used to identify the most difficult-to-understand processes, allowing authors to rework and improve them.
  • Change management. Knowledge must be dynamic, and ways of providing knowledge require continuous improvement plans for both the knowledge itself and its users.
  • Creation of formal/approved documentation/standard operation procedures. Thorough approval processes ensure compliance with Financial Institution governance rules, accommodating both simple and complex operation setups.
  • Integrated training control and planning features. The knowledge is critical, but the usage of knowledge by Customer Service staff is even more important. Advanced training modules, individual customized training programs, and individual knowledge performance monitoring are integrated into the Knowledge Management System.
  • Gap analysis and suggestions for improvement. Our in-house AI-based Knowledge Management Quality tools enable the detection of low signals of quality drifts in the content and suggest improvements.

SHA clients have enjoyed the following benefits using our Knowledge Management System:

  • Major reduction of paperwork. Not only eliminating “paper” based knowledge, but also reducing and optimizing process flows in a one-stop-knowledge shop.
  • Reinforcement and streamlining of approval processes. Alignment of approval processes with Corporate Governance Guidelines, providing a transparent, fast, and thorough workflow for authoring knowledge.
  • Reduction of “in class” training needs. Reduced training duration for new staff and update training, leading to higher productivity per head and better synchronicity with new products and policy announcements.
  • Improvement in troubleshooting accuracy and reduction in invested time. Better information provided to Customer Service teams leads to better productivity.
  • Improvement of Customer Experience and Staff Experience. Accurate, up-to-date information provision and efficient guidance result in an improved experience for both customers and staff.
Generic RequirementsSHA Features & BenefitsFinancial Services CS Fit
Staff with top product and process knowledge: Core Knowledge Management with integrated Training Featuresupports multi-format information and ensures freshness of data used by Customer Service teams. It is a perfect fit for in-house core validation governance with remote BPO operations.
Customer-oriented processes & Customer-friendly policies: Integrated Customer Service staff feedback on the Knowledge Management System and SHA coaching module enable continuous staff improvements.Clear explanations are essential for complex financial processes.
Waiting time Reduced call duration with easy-to-find accurate information improves operational efficiency,Crucial for cost-efficient financial operations
Empathy (within other soft skills): Well-trained Customer Service staff provided with clear support information can focus on customer satisfaction and improve retention and acquisition. Customer satisfaction has become a strong differentiator as financial services customers are becoming more volatile with the growth of online banking and insurance offerings.
Agent strong leadership to guide customers to the expected solution or offering: Staff training and education focus shifts to call flow management rather than pure hard knowledge. Individual and team training track monitoring reinforces the quality of interactions with clients and prospects, leading to cost reduction and revenue growth through First-time resolution for support and conversion rate, up and cross sales for commercial interactions.
Table1: quick summary of SHA KMS fit with Financial Services CS needs.

In conclusion, while Financial Services requires the basic Customer Service requirements to be fulfilled, there are additional elements that must be considered and addressed. SHA’s Knowledge Management System delivers these elements in a practical and cost-effective manner.

And if SHA excels in delivering the most demanding expectations, it is also a great fit for all other markets with different levels of expected performance.

SHA is a Knowledge Management System designed and developed by experienced seasoned Customer Service experts who have brought their vision and daily operational experience to deliver a system that enhances Customer Experience, improves Staff Experience, and reduces the cost of service!

For more information on how SHA can support your Customer Service Operations get in touch with us:


Video Killed the Radio Stars but Have Chatbot Killed Knowledge Management Systems?

As most of tools existing for quite a while, Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) were recently challenged by tools that looked more dynamic and more adapted to current tech trends: CHATBOT for example were expected to take over the support of clients having all kind of questions & queries.

Image by kjpargeter on Freepik

After a few years of hype, where do we stand?


Let’s look at the bright side first:

  • Yes, CHABOT are up and running 7 days a week
  • Yes, CHABOT can address some easy to ask and easy to analyse queries. It is important to note that those queries have to be easy ones – means the customer have to ask those queries in a very simple manner, so the bot replying, will not get lost with too many words …


Facts again:

Studies shown that users don’t like to get support from bots (and very probably it is because they could not get proper answers from them…) Recent studies (ie study from Statista.com) found that the huge majority of customers (rough average 80%) prefer human interaction to AI driven interfaces as chatbot.

More studies forecast that bot assistants lacking integration with Knowledge Systems will NOT bring the expected CS and savings.

Very few businesses require 24/7 replies on queries, and when there is a critical need (health, security, financial transactions for instance) most of the time it is low volume and high quality required so human interfaces have to be there.

So KMS seems to be considered as the fundamental foundation which should not be neglected for both human and virtual Customer Support.

Designed by rawpixel.com / Freepik

Knowledge Management: a fundamental element that is here to stay?

No surprise that some other studies shows that KM has a bright future to help and support human beings (but not only) to reply accurately and consistently to queries from other precious human beings: customers and prospects.

Gartner found that 74% of Customer Support Professionals mentioned improving knowledge and content to their customers and employees as a priority.

There is a spot for bots and probably in the forthcoming years, technology will evolve so the current rejection could reduce. But we also need to consider that robots need to be fed, and when they’ll be working better, they’ll need to use some fundamental pieces of knowledge, and they’ll find in your KMS.

The days IA/Bots/ML will create their own knowledge (and mimic the current knowledge life cycle and workflow: identification of need, authoring, validating, monitoring, improving, and managing obsolescence…) are not there yet. And when it will happen, we’ll still have to ensure that 2 different lines of code would not generate 2 different solutions to similar queries just because some synonyms were used…

Some advices from the Customer Support Experts at SHA:

  • Start today with a KMS solution that will enable you to create, maintain and monitor your enterprise knowledge for your contact center staff as well as for your digital virtual agents, today and tomorrow!
  • Video might have killed the video stars some years ago (same as streaming has killed some others) but LPs are still there and Chatbot did not killed KMS, just made their existence more critical and more visible…
  • If you need to set up a KMS from scratch or move your existing KMS to a much more agile and cost-efficient system, have a look at what SHA can provide you!

Can Knowledge Management be isolated from Training? How to close the loop?


If Knowledge Management is based on the idea that an organization’s most valuable asset is the knowledge of its people and if we accept the fact that Knowledge freshness can be volatile then it becomes clear that both Knowledge Management and Learning Management are to be considered together.

Operational Context: what are the issues?

When running a Contact Center Operation, the relation between Knowledge and Learning is even more critical:

Once the initial and fundamental trainings are delivered, how to ensure your teams’ knowledge keep up with new information, changes, update?

How to avoid to pile up the necessary updates in one regular training session (ie 1hr per week or half a day per month), stuffing the staff with a lot of new things at the same time, and with little or no chance to digest the info?

Knowledge content changes every day, product specs, processes, regulations, business rules, opening hours, financial conditions, software versions just any piece of knowledge is bound to become obsolete one day.…

As a result it is difficult for customer fronting staff managers to keep their team knowledge up to date.

Operational and Financial impact

The regular training updates, (are they short and weekly or long and monthly), bring constraints and costs such as having staff not productive for hours, training room, trainers, support materials…

To make it even worse, those update sessions are most of the time a compilation of a lot of different topics: new product specs, new legislation impact, new process, new application version, new…

It can be hard for contact center agents (for anyone!)  to digest in one batch a lot of updates on a lot of different topics. It is also very well known that it is difficult to get trainees full attention and focus if there are a lot of different subjects to be covered in a short time.

Real time can be critical:

Regular consolidated updates can’t be real time by essence. So info freshness is at risk and communication to clients can be obsolete during a few days, meaning some customers might be given wrong info for a while.

In the other hand providing updates in advance, before the changes are implemented can also be misleading and confidentiality has also to be considered: some info can be under embargo (till they are live) like: product new specs, new price list, promotion…

Home working:

Today’s natural trend to favour Home Working can make the situation worse, it can be difficult to ensure that everyone is aware that they have news in the mail box which requires attention!

Knowledge Quality:

Knowledge Quality is extremely dependant on its freshness:  Knowledge is alive, Training is its heart and KMS is its blood…

One strong point having a Knowledge Management System (KMS) is to get feedback on the content, so authors, writers can amend and improve their articles and make them easier to understand and to share.

In the contact center daily context, it is easy to understand that an agent looking for a solution in the KMS will not spend a lot of time about what could be done to improve the article, he’ll (rightly) focus on the customer experience not on the knowledge improvement.

When reading a training update during a quiet time during the day, the agent is not under the same immediate delivery stress so not only he can read and absorb better the content he’s submitted but he’s more likely to provide useful and relevant comments to the article.

Conclusion (and Solution)

We at SHA, led by experience, strongly believe Training, Learning and Knowledge Sharing are tightly interconnected.

This means that both Knowledge Sharing and Training have to be considered together.

We’d all agree that fundamental, theoretical, specialised trainings require hours/days and most of the time require classroom setup, but Knowledge update, process adjustments, products specification upgrade and the likes can fit in a totally different and far more efficient format.

That’s why SHA has developed a Training Module to “Close the Loop”

With SHA Training Update Module solution you will:

  • Avoid double flow management (training delivery and content sharing) for new updated, adjusted knowledge workflow.
  • Free up your training resources (trainers, equipment, rooms…) from the heavy load of minor training updates.
  • Keep your agent productive and focused during the peak periods.
  • Provide your agent guidance and support to absorb new things at the right moment.
  • Track and monitor training progresses and fix potential stress areas within the team
  • Provide your team more time and thoughts to give feedback on existing solution, hence enhance the content!
  • Manage your knowledge freshness and deliver real time up to date solutions to your clients and prospects.

Contact us to see more about SHA!


SHA put together your massive Knowledge Encyclopaedia and your Real Time Training News Feed, in one app!

Never let your precious knowledge get obsolete!

Use SHA KMS Training Module and close the loop!

In less than 3 minutes evaluate your need for a (new) Knowledge Management System

Knowledge Management System Return on Investment (aka KMS ROI) … trust me, with such a headline it can be difficult to attract someone’s interest, we all keen on reading easy stuff and learn new things and much less likely to read complex calculations that are not fitting our business specifics (and we ALL have our own specific business, don’t we?)

So instead of writing a nice and long article on the hidden benefits of KMS or a very comprehensive suite of questions to estimate what could be the ROI (basically, when would your KMS bring tangible, monetized value to your business) we decided to play an easy game: just allocate points to each of the 10 features below

0 point if you believe this item is irrelevant to your business

1 point if you believe this item is of low importance to your business

2 points if you trust this item is important to your business

3 points if you strongly believe this item is totally critical to your business

And to have a proper evaluation: provide DELTA in the second column to evaluate how far you think you are from where you’d like to be. (using the same logic with points: 0 is low, 3 is high)

“your business” is not restricted to your bottom line, your sales number, but you’d agree that the your business’ ultimate value is made of a lot of others items such as: brand image, product innovation, customer experience, talent retention, financial health…

Irrespective of how you performed this test, just contact us at SHA, we have extensive business experience on how KMS can support your business and operations and get a fairly good estimate on how quickly you can achieve a proper ROI using KMS (it can be a few weeks!)

Centralized vs Decentralized Knowledge Management Systems

Just as a starting point: have you thought about the amount of knowledge stored in your organization’s laptops, memory sticks, external drives,…? Do you think it will be easily shared?

Even if this is just an anecdote, when you are facing the implementation of a Knowledge Management System (KMS), one of the topics very often put on the table is the discussion about centralized or decentralized approach. It is not rare that within organization senior management different opinions may exist about the need to maintain regional, national or business unit or product particularities. Most of the times, discussion about centralized/decentralized is a source of conflict between management, when some actors may consider that their area of influence is being limited, putting at risk the success of the project.

From a high-level perspective, If we consider a centralized managed system, employees create knowledge that is stored and organized and maybe only accessible within the organization. This approach may collide with the internet-cloud-metaverse era. But in fairness, for some organizations, where security and process management are a must and, even information may be binding to customers, this approach is still relevant: you can find examples on several verticals: financial & insurance, health, pharmaceutical & biotechnology, or government. Under this model, a common source of information is available, removing silos and conflicting information from the equation. Additionally, common processes and procedures for Quality, Workflow and Monitoring are available.

On the other hand, decentralized managed systems may fit companies with mobile employees, providers/suppliers or users/customers. Without considering who owns the supporting platform, in decentralized systems, the responsibility of creating, sharing, and managing content lives with authors or content creators. This approach is more versatile but brings other problems into the equation: processes and procedures for structuring, managing, and sharing contents, may be set at individual level by authors, which may lead to content discrepancies, visual differences or inaccessible knowledge to the broarder user community.

We mentioned before that we are in the internet-cloud-metaverse era. That’s relevant and will influence for sure the KM strategy. But on top of that, the talent is global, and you would like to capture the knowledge of that global talent, wherever is located, if you want your organization to go into the next level of execution success.

So, what to do? To get some clarity on this point, let’s come back to the ultimate knowledge management aim: spreading information across organizations in ways that impact performance. You can formulate this as “sharing best practices” as well, a kind of shortcut. With this in mind, some aspects become key when setting the strategy:

  • KMS must improve content accessibility, providing access to updated information.
  • KMS should bring consistency to the content: structuring, organizing and even visual aspect.
  • KMS must include content life cycle management rules. Otherwise, you may be creating an obsolete monster in a few months.
  • KMS needs to be managed, which requires measurement.

So, at the end, it seems that maybe a good approach could be a “mixed model”, with the following characteristics:

  1. Common platform: information must be stored in a single place, accessible to both creators and users.
  2. Content creation: even though authors must have the liberty of using their creativity in generating impactful content, aspect matters so, common organization, structure and design rules are required.
  3. Management framework: it is a combination of life cycle and workflow rules, with reporting capabilities addressing the performance impact on the organization (no more page visits, please!!!).

SHA is a Simple, Agile, Connectable, Easy to Use, Easy to administrate platform despite its internal sophistication.

What can go wrong on Knowledge Management (KM) implementation (and anytime after… )

With more than 50 years of cumulated experience, expertise and operational leadership in businesses where Managing Knowledge key asset is critical , we have, at SHA(*), very clear ideas about what works and what does not when it is time to implement a Knowledge Management System (KMS). And we’re happy to share some of our fundamental findings which guided us designing SHA:

Before starting, let’s all agree (if you disagree, there might be no point for you to read what follows…) that having a KMS is… a must, but it’s not enough to have a KMS, you have to ensure it works!   

  • First, let’s talk about what we heard quite often: “we need to integrate our KMS in our IT ecosystem”

Integration is quite a broad and vague term but we all understand what it means: ensuring we can benefit from a Knowledge Platform which is connected to some other business critical applications such as e-commerce, e-service web site. This all sounds good, but, at SHA we have also clearly identified that trying to overdo it, to integrate a KMS with a lot of other applications can lead to expensive, heavy, and ultimately dead ends. So we integrate our solution on your e-support and e-commerce and trust us, this is enough!

  • Then second, we heard so often “no need for a multi-lingual platform to start with, we’ll see that later”.

Well later is very often proven to be “too late”…

One could think that, when 99% of the users are sharing the same language, there is no need to think ahead and a mono lingual KMS is good enough, if this can be proven right, it could also lead to some tough headaches or worse, failures. At SHA, how many times have we experienced some companies who extended their market scopes or move some of their operations to other regions speaking different languages or built some alliances with companies located abroad. Having to deal with a massive, one shot, translation project is a headache that could be avoided by thinking ahead and making the choice to implement a multilingual ready KMS right away. And if your market it truly a one language market, SHA works perfectly with one language as well!      

  • Third, a classic “how easy to use is your solution”?

Easiness of use is a common slogan that most of the KMS are using as a benefit, we, at SHA, not only we adhere to this criteria, but we also know, by experience that this is a must, there is no way that users will use the platform if they have to understand how it works, if they have to ask their colleagues which field to use, which process to select …

Easiness of use is vital to ensure implementation of a KMS is successful, we saw so many clunky KMS which were not used by the teams KMS were supposed to help. We experienced too many WEB site smart FAQs which were just driving clients (including us…) mad. So if solutions are not a couple of clicks away, it means your KMS is not delivering and will not bring the expected benefits.

A good solution is two clicks away and the best is one click away! Same goes with input box: one simple input box is enough to interact with your users. If you add categories, products, serial numbers and any other details, you are focused on your own organisation, and not in your customers. Be simple, be customer centric!

You need the users to love looking for solutions and finding solutions on their own using the KMS. It is such a good feeling finding a solution yourself instead of being told by someone else.                                                           

  • Fourth: quite often mentioned as well: “KM deserves top technology so we need top of the art solution”

At SHA, we love technology and we believe we are quite good at using it and sharing its benefits with our clients, this being said, we put the human being first! And this reflects on providing a simple search interface but also and easiness of system administration (Yes you still need to have some very light resources to ensure the system is working fine and this is largely balanced by major savings on support, customer retention and internal education). KMS should not be an IT managed application but should be run by business. There is a need for an IT-Business disconnect to avoid again poor and disappointing KMS implementation. Of course behind the scene, advanced technology such as Automatic Translation, Automatic Summary, Sentiment Management, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence are there, but not for the sake of being High Tech but to support us, Humans…

  • And finally Fifth: “So if I succeed implementing my KMS, I’m good for the next 10 years”

Well, a good start is encouraging but not enough: It might not be only at implementation phase we have observed most KMS failures, it is during the whole life cycle. The key elements to support growth and avoid growth issues, is to have a system which can maintain the life cycle of the content, that can report on content obsolescence, a system that tracks the low performing solutions, a system which avoid to pile up similar solutions, a system that is also capable to grow in term of performance and adjust its capacities to the need of user (without involving IT in the process as the platform is cloud based)                                                                       

It is on top of it ready to grow and evolve as your company is. We designed it the way we dreamt about it; we would have loved to have such a platform, we are now happy to share it with you!

(*) SHA is a Simple, Agile, Connectable, Easy to Use, Easy to administrate platform despite its internal sophistication.