Knowledge Management Evaluation

Top 10 questions you need to ask yourself (and you need to dare answering too!)

Please, select from 0 to 3 (0 is very low and 3 is very high)

How important it is for your business to:How well are you Doing it today:Delta between what you have and what you need
1.Drastically reduce repetitive questions asked by Client, Providers, Employee, Partners ?
2.Reduce time to search for accurate and up to date information (on product, procedures…)
3.Protect your brand image (avoiding to hear contradictory information on your products, events, methodology, way of doing business…)
4.Identify AND correct communication mistakes (ie: providing wrong prices to resellers, providing last year opening hours to customer, providing obsolete repair protocols to on site engineers…)
5.Optimise Training time; this does not necessarly means reduce, it can of course, but this is not the objective, Optimizing training time, is ensuring that the information (new or updated) is really spotted on, that there is no repetitions, overlaps, missing bit on each new training programs… it is better for the trainees, for the trainers and ultimately for the training.
6.Optimise documentation management, the best search engine can provide poor results if it is pointing to an obsolete document (which has the highest search index Vs the brand new updated document…)
7.Maximise customer retention by being always sharp on the information provided (it is easy to upset a client by providing him confusing information about the automatic yearly contract renewal terms and conditions.
8.Maximise customer experience: it happened to all of us: ask 3 different staff members in a shop about a product (feature, availability, possibility to get a loan) if you get different replies: your trust is seriously damaged and you move quite easily to the competition.
9.Talent retention: how frustrating it can be for newly hired talents to have spent hours to build from their own efforts a product/process book to hear from others that part of this info is not right and that they’ve been passing wrong messages around…in the other hand, what a good feeling to be able to retrieve quickly and easily the right information and to be capable of informing very quickly clients, partners, colleagues..
10.Providing the means to the customer to find themselves the information, and this can be extremely rewarding for them! Rather that getting it having to call the hot line…