Gestion de la connaissance dans les organisations internationales 

Il est à présent reconnu que la mise en place d’une Gestion de la Connaissance en Entreprise joue un rôle critique dans la création de valeur, chaque équipe et chaque individu ayant un impact direct sur la performance de l’organisation. Ces effets bénéfiques prennent une autre dimension si l’on se place dans un contexte international, ce qui est de plus en plus le cas pour les entreprises.

Pour les organisations multinationales, la Gestion de Connaissance offre de multiples bénéfices qui contribuent à l’efficacité, à l’innovation et à la compétitivité globale de l’entreprise. Sans même évoquer le débat sur comment positionner le curseur de la centralisation, l’utilisation d’une plateforme commune pour la Gestion de Connaissance est primordiale.

Sans rentrer dans l’exhaustivité des bénéfices apportés, nous allons nous focaliser sur les avantages qu’apporte une Gestion Globale de la Connaissance d’Entreprise :


Bien que rarement perçus par les structures strictement locales, les bénéfices associes à une Gestion Globale de la Connaissance peut se décliner de la façon suivante :

  • Homogénéité des processus : tous les employés suivent les mêmes politiques et procédures, ce qui garantit l’uniformité et la qualité du produit/service.
  • Normalisation et meilleures pratiques : mise en œuvre facile de normes et de pratiques communes au niveau mondial.
  • « Local Touch » : l’utilisation d’une plateforme de gestion appropriée permet la « localisation » des connaissances, s’intégrant parfaitement dans le suivi et le « reporting ».


En principe, les connaissances peuvent être créées de manière centralisée, mais leur amélioration se fera également de manière décentralisée, en fonction de l’expérience.

  • Optimisation des ressources : facilite l’identification et la mobilisation d’experts et de talents au niveau mondial pour résoudre des problèmes spécifiques ou des projets stratégiques.
  • Partage : Facilite l’échange d’idées, d’innovations et de meilleures pratiques entre les différentes parties de l’organisation, favorisant une culture d’apprentissage continu.
  • Collaboration mondiale : améliore la collaboration entre les équipes de différents pays, ce qui peut conduire à des solutions plus créatives et innovantes.
  • Économies d’échelle : réduire les coûts d’exploitation en consolidant les fonctions et les ressources, en éliminant les redondances et en tirant parti de la technologie.


Si en local, la performance des outils numériques est critique pour leur acceptabilité par les équipes d’une entreprise, il apparait évident que ce facteur performance se retrouve encore plus sensible en environnement international. Un système de Gestion de Connaissance Global se doit de fournir :

  • Facilite l’adaptation aux changements de l’environnement commercial mondial d’une manière plus agile et cohérente.
  • Vitesse de diffusion : Permet la communication instantanée des changements apportés aux politiques, aux procédures ou à toute autre information pertinente.
  • Gestion de crise : Permet une réponse coordonnée et efficace aux situations de crise, en intégrant des protocoles et des plans d’action dans le système de gestion des connaissances.


Le développement et la rétention active des personnes et des équipes est vital pour garantir la survie à long terme des entreprises, car ils leur permettront de s’adapter aux changements auxquels elles seront confrontées au fil du temps.

  • Formation et perfectionnement : facilite la mise en œuvre de programmes de formation et de perfectionnement professionnel, gérés collectivement ou individuellement, qui renforcent le perfectionnement professionnel.
  • Rétention des talents : aide à retenir les connaissances au sein de l’organisation, même en cas de roulement de personnel, en disposant d’une plateforme d’information et d’expérience.
  • Respect des différences culturelles et des spécificités locales sur  les modes et règles d’apprentissage. Cela est possible avec une plateforme de Gestion de la Connaissance d’Entreprise Globale.


Au même titre que la performance, les aspects contrôle et sécurité d’outils numériques réclament une vigilance totale en environnement global :

  • Gestion de la qualité : permet une supervision plus stricte et centralisée des processus de qualité, minimisant les risques et maximisant la conformité réglementaire.
  • Protection des données : Assure une gestion plus sûre et contrôlée des informations sensibles, conformément aux réglementations internationales en matière de protection des données.
  • Analyse centralisée : Améliore la capacité d’analyse et de surveillance de l’organisation grâce à des données consolidées, permettant une meilleure identification des tendances et des opportunités.

Pour plus d’information, contactez nous sur: /

ESG & KMS: The Dynamic Duo of Progress!

Can Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) really save the day for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives? Let’s dive into the action-packed world of possibilities!

  1. 1. Environmental Sustainability:
  • Sustainable Practices: KMS spreads the word on sustainable practices, like reducing paper usage and recycling, while embracing renewable energy sources. It’s like a green cape for the planet!
  •  Energy Efficiency: KMS swoops in to share best practices and innovative ideas for energy efficiency, fighting wasteful villains and reducing carbon emissions like a true superhero!

2. Social Responsibility:

  • Knowledge Sharing for Social Causes: KMS becomes the ultimate sidekick, sharing information and resources on social causes, diversity programs, and philanthropy. Together, they fight for a better world!
  •  Employee Well-being: KMS provides a secret stash of resources on health, safety, work-life balance, and professional development, ensuring employees have the superpowers to thrive!

3. Governance and Ethics:

  • Compliance and Risk Management: KMS gathers all the intel on compliance requirements, regulatory changes, and risk management protocols, protecting organizations from the evil clutches of legal and reputational risks!
  •  Ethical Decision-Making: KMS becomes the guardian of ethical guidelines, codes of conduct, and corporate values, ensuring organizations stay on the path of righteousness!

4. Data Transparency and Reporting:

  • ESG Reporting: KMS assembles all the data and performance metrics across environmental, social, and governance dimensions, creating a powerful report that shines a light on the heroic efforts of organizations!
  •  Stakeholder Engagement: KMS fosters communication and collaboration with stakeholders, building trust and forming alliances with investors, customers, employees, and communities. Together, they conquer the world!

In the epic battle for ESG objectives, KMS emerges as the ultimate hero, promoting environmental sustainability, social responsibility, ethical governance, and transparent reporting. With knowledge management tools and practices, organizations can unleash their superpowers and create a brighter future for all!

SHA is the perfect solution to strengthen your ESG strategy, for more information get in touch with us:


Avec la Plateforme de Gestion de Connaissance SHA, formez vos équipes et obtenez vos Certificats de Formation!

Quelques minutes de formation quotidienne peuvent devenir des heures chaque mois!

Les équipes SHA sont à l’écoute permanente de leurs clients et lors de discussions avec les utilisateurs de notre plateforme de Gestion de Connaissance, ils ont exprimé leur satisfaction à propos de l’intégration de la fonctionnalité formation dans un KMS (Gestionnaire de Connaissance/ Knowledge Management System).

Et la discussion ne n’est pas arrêtée là : les Managers HR et Opérationnels nous ont dit que ce serait encore mieux si ils pouvaient obtenir facilement un rapport sur le temps passé, par chaque individu, sur ces formations!

Excellente suggestion effectivement ! C’est pourquoi nous l’avons mise en place pour que les chefs d’équipe, les gestionnaires de comptes, les directeurs opérationnels, les responsables des ressources humaines puissent avoir, en un clic, une vue sur le temps de formation et obtenir les certificats correspondants, chaque minute de formation est ainsi comptabilisée par individu, par équipe, par département…

Oh, et voici un fait qui va vous intéresser : dans certains pays (oui notamment en France mais pas seulement), les centres de formation certifiés doivent suivre l’indice de satisfaction des apprenants (LSAT). Mais devinez quoi ? Nous avons simplifié la gestion et la communication des évaluations LSAT grâce à notre module d’enquête sur la formation. Nous ne nous contentons pas de boucler la boucle en matière de qualité de la formation ; Nous y ajoutons un joli nœud fantaisie !

Et ceci tout en gardant ce qui fait la force de SHA : Facile à Créer, Simple à Utiliser et Evident à Analyser !

Pour plus d’informations, contactez nous!

SHA announces new features for 2024: train your teams and get your training certificates

Few minutes each days can build hours of monthly training!

Hot off the press: SHA Knowledge Management has received some juicy feedback from their clients about integrating training in a KMS.

The clients were like, “Hey, it’s a great idea, but wouldn’t it be even cooler if Management could keep tabs on how much time each individual spends on those trainings?” We were like, “You know what? That’s a brilliant suggestion!”

So, we made it happen, and now Team Leaders, Account Managers, Operational Directors, and HR executives can have a blast checking out the Educational Time with just a click.

Oh, and here’s a little secret: in certain countries (looking at you, France, but not excluding others), certified training centers have to keep track of the Learner Satisfaction Index (LSAT) to get those sweet subsidies. But guess what? We’ve made managing and reporting LSAT assessments a piece of cake with our training survey module. We’re not just closing the loop on training quality; we’re tying it up with a fancy bow!

Creating, completing, compiling, and analyzing are all as easy as pie.

So, get ready to dive headfirst into the world of SHA surveys and our Training Quiz. It’s like a wild rollercoaster ride packed with mind-blowing insights, sky-high satisfaction, and a whole lot of laughs!

You’ll also stumble upon another code name for it: The Learner Satisfaction Index (LSI), which is like a secret decoder ring for measuring learner happiness and contentment. It’s used by educational institutions, training programs, and e-learning platforms to gauge how stoked learners are with their learning experiences. It’s like a satisfaction score that uncovers hidden treasures of improvement. So, buckle up and get ready for an adventure of a lifetime with SHA!

For more information and get in touch with us:

SHA strengthens Global Client Implementation & Operations Support with the appointment of Angel Rodriguez as VP of Service Delivery

SHA is thrilled to announce the appointment of Angel Rodriguez as the Vice President of Service Delivery. In this pivotal role, Angel will play a crucial part in driving SHA’s global operational excellence.

José Luis Caaveiro, the CEO of the company, expressed his excitement, stating, “Angel’s exceptional expertise in the Customer Support industry and Computer Science makes him the ideal candidate for delivering optimal solutions to our clients. With his extensive experience in Customer Support across various industries, particularly in BPO, where quality and operational efficiency are paramount, Angel brings invaluable knowledge to our organization. His proficiency in daily operations, delivering Customer Support Excellence, and his proven expertise in the ICT arena will greatly benefit SHA’s clients.”

Angel Rodriguez embarked on his career in the banking industry with Caixa Galicia before assuming management roles at renowned international Business Process Outsourcing Companies such as Concentrix, Stream, Convergys. Most recently, he served as Expert Solution Software at Wolters Kluwer, a leading company in the Financial Planning Software industry.

Angel holds a degree in Computer Science from La Coruña (E) University.

For more information, please contact

SHA Knowledge Management boosts your CS superpowers by adding Coaching features

Level up your coaching sessions and unlock the superpowers of SHA’s integrated coaching features.

Image by gstudioimagen on Freepik

For those who, like us, believe that coaching is the secret sauce to fix Customer Service operations, SHA swoops in to save the day!

Say goodbye to:

    • Quality issues like an increase in repeated calls rate.
    • Customer experience issues like incorrect or incomplete solutions.
    • Productivity issues like call duration drifts.

    With SHA, you’ll become the superhero of knowledge management, creating improvement plans for KB users and saving the world from content chaos.

    Training and coaching are your trusty sidekicks, helping you close the loop and conquer any challenge. Let’s dive into a (not so) imaginary business case and unleash your coaching superpowers!

    Meet Peter Tek, the rookie contact center agent fresh out of onboarding training.

    Armed with a technical background, Peter has been assigned to the prestigious technical team.

    However, trouble lurks in the shadows as his quality coach has detected some chinks in his armor while listening to a few calls.

    The coach has also taken a peek at Peter’s SHA Knowledge Base usage and confirmed that Peter needs to pay more attention to administrative policies instead of relying solely on his technical prowess.

    Brace yourselves for the shocking revelations from Peter’s SHA KB usage reporting:

    • Stellar follow-up on tech training.
    • Lackluster usage of the KB for policy content.
    • And a disappointing performance in policy update training.
    Image by vectorjuice on Freepik

    But wait, there’s more!

    During the coach’s undercover mission of call monitoring, they stumbled upon a few calls that seemed to last longer than a Marvel movie.

    Why, you ask? Peter’s hesitation with administrative details left callers hanging, resulting in a second call for help.

    Fear not, for the coach has prepared a top-secret coaching session form integrated in SHA. This form will be shared with Peter, outlining the good, the bad, and the ugly, and setting the stage for improvement.

     And here’s the cherry on top: the coach can sprinkle some magic training articles into Peter’s curriculum using the “push” feature.

    Witness the wonders of SHA’s short training modules in a previous publication and get ready to save the day!

    Image by storyset on Freepik

    For more information and get in touch with us:

    SHA integrates nugget training in its Knowledge Management Platform!

    Image by pch.vector on Freepik

    Ever heard of Nugget or Snack Training? Is it any good? Here are some delicious insights from our CHEFs, the SHA experts!

    The tasty news is that, as expected, Snack Training is as easy to understand as devouring a bag of chips and as quick to complete as a microwave dinner.

    “Nugget training” or “Snack Training” refers to an approach that breaks down complex concepts or skills into smaller, more manageable “nuggets” of information. These nuggets are typically as easy to understand and remember as your favorite comfort food, making the learning process more effective. It’s a method of delivering information in bite-sized, easily digestible pieces.

    You can not only satisfy your hunger with snacks, but the same goes for training. There is an obvious need to balance the formal, fundamental classroom training with shorter, complementary sessions that can easily fit into a busy schedule. So, grab your training nuggets and let’s feast on knowledge!”

    Combining Knowledge Management with flexible and agile Training feature is especially adapted to Customer Facing Operations where information is volatile and frequently updated and where keeping all employees at similar level of skills is very challenging, new hires cannot compete with veterans!

    With SHA Training Module, you’ll be able to:

    • Edit and share very quickly snack training content.
    • Select the group of people that are required to go through those learning short modules.
    • Schedule a beginning and an end to have this performed..
    • Provide the selected trainees with alerts that they must learn those content within the time frame.
    • Create, when necessary, a quiz (thanks to the quiz editor) which enables you within minute to create a questionnaire to ensure that everyone has digested the nugget!
    • Collect their feedback so you can measure the quality of the content (like for any other content shared on SHA)

    The benefits are clear:

    • Ensure that all targeted trainees have been trained at their own pace..
    • No organization issue to train large group of staff working on shift.
    • No training room and trainer availability headaches.
    • Full control and monitoring of how the message went through.
    • Individual monitoring in case of difficulties digesting the content.
    • Individual monitoring in case of difficulties digesting the content. (like for any other content shared on SHA)

    Your training staff is the Chef, don’t bother a Chef cooking basic stuff and leave SHA handles the nugget training!

    Image by macrovector on Freepik

    For more information and get in touch with us:

    Why the home working trend has made Knowledge Management even more critical for Customer Support Operations.

    Advanced Draft

    The recent health crisis we went through have brought radical changes on the way Customer Support Operations (CSO) are managed

    It is clear now that having a significant fraction of your CS staff working from home has become a normal way of doing business. This new way can bring benefits and advantages to both employees and employers … under certain conditions!

    Jcomp –

    This kind of radical change of working environment requires to re-evaluate things that were working on large open spaces and that might not work anymore when each employee works from home.

    Let’s say: you work on a large open space, you have a customer on the phone asking for a new product price, if you’re not sure what to answer, you can quickly ask around if the new price list applies today or next week…you’ll get a yes/no reply from your team leader or your desk neighbor within a fraction of second. It might not be the ultimate way to get reliable information but we all know it works.

    Felicities –

    Now if we think about the same situation when you’re “on your own” at home, this is totally different, well you are.on.your.own. You can look for the email from marketing announcing the new price list last week, you can try to chat with colleagues you think are on the same hour shift than you… but you’ll still be on your own.

    All the good things that bring informal communication are gone with Home Working: what is easy when working in an open space, with opportunities to ask colleagues for help at the coffee machine or at the cafeteria, is becoming more tricky when you find yourself working from home…

    Pch.vector –

    Not that long ago, I heard a manager in charge of Contact Center Operation telling me that Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) were all fine but he could not see the benefits as his team were talking enough to exchange and share commonly required information.

    His point was: floor discussions, coffee machine interactions and cafeteria small talks were doing a better job than complex technology systems…He did not convinced me and I did not manage to break his certitude about “people natural knowledge maintenance”.

    A few years later, after Covid experience, I’d like to ask him if he was still relying on this informal natural knowledge exchange, not because I want to prove him wrong but because the main information flow he was relying upon is not there anymore, or at least not there as much as it was before.

    Now that some top tier BPO providers are announcing more than 40% (and +) of their production being from home office, you just cannot rely on human informal exchanges to vehicle content.

    Even for the operations which were relying on some KMS, the challenge is there: content must be monitored, highlighted, made visible, improved, reported upon on a much higher frequency. Freshness of knowledge is becoming a headache for all Customer Touch Points operational managers

    Freepik –

    A KMS such as SHA enables you to support your agents, are they in the office or remote from home, with fresh, easy to find information.

    Another key benefit using SHA is that you can ensure your teams are educating themselves on the latest “need to read” new information, and you can hear their comments on the quality and usefulness of data you submit to them.

    SHA helps the Customer Support Operations to provide better Service to your clients by providing better information and support to your teams!

    Some advices from the Customer Support Experts at SHA:

    • Start today with a KMS solution that will enable you to create, maintain and monitor your enterprise knowledge
    • So that your teams can access this knowledge irrespective of their location!
    • So that your teams can be guided on what and when they have to learn.
    • So that your team leaders and supervisors can easily track the knowledge usage and learning
    • If you need to set up a KMS from scratch or move your existing KMS to a much more agile and cost-efficient system, have a look at what SHA can provide you!

    Video Killed the Radio Stars but Have Chatbot Killed Knowledge Management Systems?

    As most of tools existing for quite a while, Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) were recently challenged by tools that looked more dynamic and more adapted to current tech trends: CHATBOT for example were expected to take over the support of clients having all kind of questions & queries.

    Image by kjpargeter on Freepik

    After a few years of hype, where do we stand?


    Let’s look at the bright side first:

    • Yes, CHABOT are up and running 7 days a week
    • Yes, CHABOT can address some easy to ask and easy to analyse queries. It is important to note that those queries have to be easy ones – means the customer have to ask those queries in a very simple manner, so the bot replying, will not get lost with too many words …


    Facts again:

    Studies shown that users don’t like to get support from bots (and very probably it is because they could not get proper answers from them…) Recent studies (ie study from found that the huge majority of customers (rough average 80%) prefer human interaction to AI driven interfaces as chatbot.

    More studies forecast that bot assistants lacking integration with Knowledge Systems will NOT bring the expected CS and savings.

    Very few businesses require 24/7 replies on queries, and when there is a critical need (health, security, financial transactions for instance) most of the time it is low volume and high quality required so human interfaces have to be there.

    So KMS seems to be considered as the fundamental foundation which should not be neglected for both human and virtual Customer Support.

    Designed by / Freepik

    Knowledge Management: a fundamental element that is here to stay?

    No surprise that some other studies shows that KM has a bright future to help and support human beings (but not only) to reply accurately and consistently to queries from other precious human beings: customers and prospects.

    Gartner found that 74% of Customer Support Professionals mentioned improving knowledge and content to their customers and employees as a priority.

    There is a spot for bots and probably in the forthcoming years, technology will evolve so the current rejection could reduce. But we also need to consider that robots need to be fed, and when they’ll be working better, they’ll need to use some fundamental pieces of knowledge, and they’ll find in your KMS.

    The days IA/Bots/ML will create their own knowledge (and mimic the current knowledge life cycle and workflow: identification of need, authoring, validating, monitoring, improving, and managing obsolescence…) are not there yet. And when it will happen, we’ll still have to ensure that 2 different lines of code would not generate 2 different solutions to similar queries just because some synonyms were used…

    Some advices from the Customer Support Experts at SHA:

    • Start today with a KMS solution that will enable you to create, maintain and monitor your enterprise knowledge for your contact center staff as well as for your digital virtual agents, today and tomorrow!
    • Video might have killed the video stars some years ago (same as streaming has killed some others) but LPs are still there and Chatbot did not killed KMS, just made their existence more critical and more visible…
    • If you need to set up a KMS from scratch or move your existing KMS to a much more agile and cost-efficient system, have a look at what SHA can provide you!

    Mass resignation: how can Knowledge Management help your Company to remain afloat:


    Across all industries and all business sizes, the “quit/leave” trend is confirmed to be more than an episode.

    We are not here to discuss about the root causes or if it is really to the benefit of the ones deciding to leave (what some old school business veterans would qualify as “leaving too soon”) but to discuss about the consequences for the company and for the remaining teams.

    Immediate impacts

    The immediate impacts that managers are thinking about, when being told “I’m sorry I decided to leave”, are:

    • How to redistribute the workload without overloading the ones remaining
    • Efforts required to start hiring again
    • How much time do we need to train the new hire and catch-up the leaver productivity and quality

    Let’s be honest those are the most likely thoughts managers have at that time and it is probably enough to keep their minds busy…We’ll see later that there is a fourth impact which can bring a much more negative consequence.

    How and where KMS can help?

    If Knowledge Management Systems (KMS), cannot do a lot to overcome the first 2 pain points, KMS are critical in many ways to shorten and ease the ramp up when getting a new hire onboard.

    Not only the direct manager, the direct manager can dedicate less of his/her time to get the new hire onboard, letting the new hire autonomously deal with normal tasks very quickly, having the backup of colleagues of course, but also the strong support of the KMS which would fill in the gap when necessary.

    But on top of that, the new hire will feel much more comfortable growing in a secured environment where mostly his/her skill will make the difference not the knowledge of all the product/process/policies nitty gritty.

    This win-win might even be an incentive for “potential leavers” to stay as they know they can reveal their true talent in a Company that is providing them with the right information at the right time without having to waste energy and time to look for it.

    Can KMS help more than that?

    So, what about a fourth negative impact of talents leaving a company?

    The issue is not only about training the newbies, but also about retaining knowledge within the Company.

    We are not talking here about data which are frequently changed (prices, opening hours) but about items that only a few employees know (or even worse: things that only one employee masters)

    • From relatively basic stuff like: “How to update the retail shop opening hours on the web site”
    • To more complex know-how like: “How to upgrade a firmware when receiving the update from vendor X”

    The employee who knew “how to do that” and who was always keen to show others how to do it, might be the one who left last week. The leaver might have created a note about it but how to retrieve it once this employee is gone? Search the leaver’s desk, check the leaver’s HDD, call him/her?

    Information is power and losing information can be a disaster.

    Having a Knowledge Management System and having trained your staff to document the processes and policies that they are handling become even more mandatory when staff retention and turnover become a challenge.


    You might argue that building such a KMS is easier to say than to do! Well at SHA we believe that we have designed a platform that, during its whole life cycle, simply and easily enables small to large C° to build up, from scratch, world class knowledge management.

    Yes, it requires some effort all the way, but nothing to compare with the painful exercise to let talents go, hire new ones and train them, overload the existing teams, (hence creating new risks of people leaving)…and on top of it, risking losing precious knowledge on how to run efficiently your business and stay ahead of your competitors!

    Contact us to see more about SHA!

    SHA makes your talent management easier to manage!

    Never let your precious knowledge go away!