Confronté au double défi de partager la connaissance de votre entreprise et de disposer d’un outil performant pour la gestion des formations ? SHA a certainement une solution pour vous.

SHA est une plateforme qui combine des fonctionnalités de Gestion de l’Apprentissage avec des outils de Gestion de la Connaissance, soit pour utiliser les termes techniques couramment utilisés : SHA propose une solution qui fusionne des fonctionnalités LMS (Learning Management System) avec un KMS (Knowledge Management System)

La dernière version de SHA devient un Système de Gestion de Solutions (Solution Management Solution) un concept innovant, qui simplifie la gestion des connaissances et de l’apprentissage :

SMS est le résultat de la combinaison de KMS et LMS

La plateforme SHA s’adresse à toutes les entreprises qui gèrent au quotidien beaucoup d’informations et ont un besoin critique de s’assurer que leurs équipes ont rapidement et facilement accès à ces informations afin de les partager (clients, prospects, fournisseurs…).

Des entreprises qui considèrent à juste titre que la Connaissance fait partie de la Valeur Intrinsèque de l’entreprise et qu’il est capital de la gérer afin de partager le plus efficacement possible avec les personnes concernées.

Il est également nécessaire que les utilisateurs de ces informations puissent contribuer à l’amélioration de ces données en indiquant leur avis sur la pertinence de l’information fournie.

SHA associe à cette gestion de la connaissance des fonctionnalités avancée de Gestion de l’Apprentissage en orientant les utilisateurs vers des contenus que l’entreprise considère comme important pour effectuer leurs tâches de façon optimale (Coût, Qualité, Vélocité)

Les secteurs d’activité les plus consommateurs de ces outils sont ceux en général ceux qui interagissent avec les clients (Services Clients, Centre d’Appels…) mais toutes les divisions d’une entreprise qui cherche à optimiser sa performance opérationnelle sont concernées :

Nous avons établi, en échangeant longuement avec nos clients et prospects, un tableau non exhaustif des différents types de contenus et de leur volatilité dans le temps (facteur important pour la gestion du contenu)

Les documents mis en avant dans ce tableau (en vert) sont ceux que l’on retrouve les plus souvent cités comme contenus prioritaire dans les systèmes de KMS et LMS.

Tableau Statique
Catégorie Types de Documents Personnel Concerné Format Cycle de Vie
Politiques & Procédures Manuels des employés, SOPs, directives RH, Administration, Juridique, Affaires Générales PDF, Word (protégé) Moyen (mises à jour annuelles)
Contrats Contrats clients, accords fournisseurs Juridique, Ventes, Fournisseurs, Clients PDF (protégé) Définitif (rarement mis à jour)
Rapports Financiers Bilan, comptes de résultats, audits Personnel Financier, Administration XLS, PDF Moyen (mises à jour trimestrielles ou annuelles)
Matériel Marketing Brochures, campagnes, présentations Marketing, Ventes, Communication, Prospects PDF, PNG, PPT Court (mises à jour fréquentes)
Documents de Conception Plans, fichiers CAD, ébauches Conception, R&D CAD, PDF, propriétaire Court (mises à jour fréquentes)
Plans de Production Plannings, spécifications, logs de qualité Production, R&D, Clients XLS, Word Court (mises à jour fréquentes)
Dossiers Clients Entrées CRM, retours clients Personnel Service Client, Ventes, Clients Export base de données XLS Moyen (mises à jour périodiques)
Matériel de Formation Modules e-learning, guides d’intégration RH, Personnel Service, Affaires Générales PDF, Vidéo, PPT Moyen (révision tous les 1-3 ans)
Comptes-Rendus de Réunion Agendas, comptes-rendus, actions Affaires Générales, Administration, Toutes Équipes Word, PDF Court (cycles de projet spécifiques)
Dossiers Juridiques Rapports de conformité, dépôts de brevets Juridique, Personnel Financier, R&D PDF, Word Définitif (rarement mis à jour)
Mémos Internes Annonces, mises à jour, notes Administration, Tout le Personnel Email, PDF Court (utilisation unique)
Journaux de Service Rapports de maintenance, suivi des incidents Personnel Service, Production XLS, Word Moyen (mises à jour régulières)
Dossiers Fournisseurs Factures, journaux de livraison, contrats Fournisseurs, Personnel Financier, Administration PDF, XLS Moyen (mises à jour périodiques)
Dossiers Employés Évaluations, paie, formulaires de congé Personnel RH XLS, Word Moyen (mises à jour annuelles)
Rapports R&D Journaux d’expérimentation, rapports techniques R&D, Conception PDF, XLS Moyen (révision après projet ou annuelle)

La question que nos prospects nous posent le plus souvent est

Comment SHA parvient à être performant en fusionnant 2 activités qui la plupart du temps requiert l’utilisation de 2 plateformes distinctes. Comment SHA introduit des fonctionnalités LMS dans une plateforme KMS de gestion de contenu ?

C’est très simple, grâce à 3 facteurs principaux :

  • Considérer le contenu de formation comme un contenu « connaissance » standard. Et ceci même si l’on sait que le format, son cycle de vie et sa structure peut être différent d’un autre contenu.
  • Utiliser la dualité Contenu/Utilisateur qui est une des particularités de SHA. SHA gère les interactions entre le contenu et l’utilisateur, en ne perdant jamais de vue la pertinence du contenu du point de vue de l’utilisateur : Est-ce que cette information lui a permis d’accomplir la tâche qui lui est confiée ou nécessite-t-elle d’être améliorée ?
  • Considérer l’apprentissage plutôt que la formation. Les responsables opérationnels savent très bien que la Formation peut être sans effet alors que l’Apprentissage a un impact mesurable sur les opérations. Suivre une formation (en ligne ou en classe) n’aboutit pas toujours à une progression du niveau et ne résulte pas toujours à une amélioration des KPIs alors que l’apprentissage (avec les outils de contrôle et de suivi qualité fournis par SHA) permet de boucler la boucle et s’assurer que la formation apporte le bénéfice attendu.

Que votre organisation utilise déjà un LMS ou pas, SHA intègre très facilement le contenu destiné à l’apprentissage (du cours très structuré jusqu’au flash brief) et permet aux équipes de managers de s’assurer de la bonne acquisition (qualitativement et dans les temps impartis) du savoir.

Si vous utilisez déjà des outils de Gestion de Connaissance qui ne disposent pas des fonctionnalités de Gestion d’Apprentissage, SHA peut facilement intégrer votre contenu existant et immédiatement faciliter votre Gestion de Connaissance, et vous pourrez en plus bénéficier immédiatement des avantages d’une Gestion d’Apprentissage pour vos équipes.

Pour bénéficier de tous les avantages d’une gestion unifiée de votre Connaissance d’entreprise et de l’Apprentissage de vos équipes contactez nos experts, ils vous feront profiter de leur vaste expérience dans ce domaine !

SHA: un système de gestion des connaissances conçu et développé par des experts du service client qui ont apporté leur vision et leur expérience opérationnelle pour concevoir un système qui améliore l’expérience client, l’expérience du personnel et réduit le coût du service !

Pour plus d’informations sur la façon dont SHA peut transformer vos opérations, contactez-nous: 


Faced with the challenge of sharing company knowledge and finding a high-performance training monitoring tool? SHA has a solution for you!

SHA is a platform that combines Learning Management functionalities with Knowledge
Management tools, or in simpler terms: SHA offers a solution that merges LMS (Learning Management System) functionalities with a KMS (Knowledge Management System).

Introducing Solution Management System (SMS) by SHA, a new concept that simplifies Knowledge and Learning Management:

SMS is the result of combining KMS and LMS.

The SHA platform is for companies that handle a lot of information daily and need to ensure quick and easy access for their teams to share it with customers, prospects, suppliers, etc. These companies understand that knowledge is an essential part of their value and must be managed effectively. Users should also be able to contribute to improving the data by providing their opinions on its relevance.

SHA combines Knowledge Management with advanced Learning Management features by directing users to important content for optimal task performance (Cost, Quality, Velocity).

The sectors that benefit most from these tools are those that interact with customers (Customer Services, Call Center, etc.), but all divisions of a company seeking operational performance optimization are involved.

Through extensive discussions with our customers and prospects, we have identified the different types of content and their volatility over time (an important factor for content management).

The documents are the ones most frequently cited as priority content in KMS and LMS.

Tableau Statique
Category Types of Documents Activity Staff Format LifeCycle
Policies & Procedures Employee handbooks, SOPs, guidelines HR, Admin, Legal, General Affairs PDF, Word (protected) Medium (annual updates)
Contracts Client contracts, vendor agreements Legal, Sales, Providers, Customers PDF (protected) Definitive (rarely updated)
Financial Reports Balance sheets, income statements, audits Financial Staff, Admin XLS, PDF Medium (quarterly or annual updates)
Marketing Materials Brochures, campaigns, presentations Marketing, Sales, Communication, Prospects PDF, PNG, PPT Short (frequent updates)
Design Documents Blueprints, CAD files, design drafts Design, R&D CAD, PDF, proprietary Short (frequent updates)
Production Plans Schedules, specifications, quality logs Production, R&D, Customers XLS, Word Short (frequent updates)
Customer Records CRM entries, customer feedback CS Staff, Sales, Customers XLS Database export Medium (periodic updates)
Training Materials E-learning modules, onboarding guides HR, Service Staff, General Affairs PDF, Video, PPT Medium (review every 1-3 years)
Meeting Records Agendas, minutes, action items General Affairs, Admin, All Teams Word, PDF Short (specific project cycles)
Legal Filings Compliance reports, patent filings Legal, Financial Staff, R&D PDF, Word Definitive (rarely updated)
Internal Memos Announcements, updates, notices Admin, All Staff Email, PDF Short (one-time use)
Service Logs Maintenance reports, issue tracking Service Staff, Production XLS, Word Medium (regular updates)
Supplier Records Invoices, delivery logs, contracts Providers, Financial Staff, Admin PDF, XLS Medium (periodic updates)
Employee Records Performance reviews, payroll, leave forms HR Staff XLS, Word Medium (yearly updates)
R&D Reports Experiment logs, technical reports R&D, Design PDF, XLS Medium (review post-project or annually)

Key Highlights:                                              


  • The document format often balances usability (e.g., Excel for analysis, PDF for sharing) and security (protected formats for sensitive information).                                              

Life Cycle:                                                       

  • Short: Updated frequently due to dynamic needs, e.g., marketing materials, production plans.                                                       
  • Medium: Updated periodically based on cycles, e.g., training materials, financial reports.                                                 
  • Definitive: Rarely updated, often for records with legal significance, e.g., contracts, legal filings

The most common question our prospects ask is how SHA manages to be efficient by merging two activities that usually require separate platforms.

How does SHA introduce LMS capabilities into a content management KMS platform?

It’s simple, thanks to three main factors:

  • Consider training content as standard “knowledge” content, even if the format, life cycle, and structure may differ from other content.
  • Use the Content/User duality, which is one of SHA’s unique features. SHA manages the interactions between content and users, always considering the relevance of the content from the user’s perspective. Did the information help them complete their tasks, or does it need improvement?
  • Focus on apprenticeship rather than training. Operational managers know that training doesn’t always have an impact, but learning does. Taking a training course doesn’t always lead to progress or improved KPIs, whereas learning with SHA’s quality control and monitoring tools ensures that training brings the expected benefits.

Whether your organization already uses an LMS or not, SHA easily integrates learning content, from structured courses to flash briefs, and helps management teams ensure knowledge acquisition.

If you’re already using Knowledge Management tools without Learning Management features, SHA can easily integrate your existing content and facilitate Knowledge Management while providing the benefits of Learning Management for your teams.

To experience the advantages of unified Business Knowledge and team Learning management, contact our Solution Management System experts. They will share their extensive experience in this field!

SHA is a Knowledge Management System designed and developed by experienced seasoned Customer Service experts who have brought their vision and daily operational experience to deliver a system that enhances Customer Experience, improves Staff Experience, and reduces the cost of service!

For more information on how SHA can support your Customer Service Operations get in touch with us:


SHA strengthens Global Client Implementation & Operations Support with the appointment of Angel Rodriguez as VP of Service Delivery

SHA is thrilled to announce the appointment of Angel Rodriguez as the Vice President of Service Delivery. In this pivotal role, Angel will play a crucial part in driving SHA’s global operational excellence.

José Luis Caaveiro, the CEO of the company, expressed his excitement, stating, “Angel’s exceptional expertise in the Customer Support industry and Computer Science makes him the ideal candidate for delivering optimal solutions to our clients. With his extensive experience in Customer Support across various industries, particularly in BPO, where quality and operational efficiency are paramount, Angel brings invaluable knowledge to our organization. His proficiency in daily operations, delivering Customer Support Excellence, and his proven expertise in the ICT arena will greatly benefit SHA’s clients.”

Angel Rodriguez embarked on his career in the banking industry with Caixa Galicia before assuming management roles at renowned international Business Process Outsourcing Companies such as Concentrix, Stream, Convergys. Most recently, he served as Expert Solution Software at Wolters Kluwer, a leading company in the Financial Planning Software industry.

Angel holds a degree in Computer Science from La Coruña (E) University.

For more information, please contact

Why Knowledge Management is important for organizations?

After several years “on the road”, I started to ask myself: is Knowledge Management (KM) seriously considered in companies? How are they managing that unique asset of the organization? Are they maximizing the potential of such massive knowledge?

You may think these questions are naïve, but for me, they became important when I looked into training or research programs, operations processes, etc. Yes, there was a massive amount of information available, in the vast majority of cases spread accross departments, functions, systems, intranets and employee computers without a common approach neither for creation nor for usage, security or maintenance & storage.

Even if Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) were in place, it was evident the presence of knowledge “silos”, different levels of deployment & usage, data quality issues, security risks, etc. To illustrate some impacts provoked by that situation, we can mention three:

  • Critical/core data lost (how to replace knowledge?)
  • Productivity loss (more than needed than required)
  • Cost increase (training, operations, maintenance, customer service, etc)

For me, Knowledge Management means discipline for spreading knowledge across the organization in ways that impact performance. And this is so because individuals and teams generate such knowledge that boosts overall performance when sharing: it is not great that engineers design new processes if they remain inside their computers; it is not great that a warehouse manager creates a new picking procedure if their colleagues keep using old process and procedure; it is not great that a customer support team improve performance by 2 digits and the rest of customer support organization is struggling.

Knowledge Management is a culture: it is not software, it is not a process, it is more than that. Knowledge Management is empowering people to boost their creativity, try new things, share achievements and measure their impact.

Ah, the magic word: “CULTURE”. You may think, are we talking about another fashion idea? I don’t think so: in these changing times, organizations will have to search for new opportunities to succeed in the market, and improving the overall performance is a good starting point. In this case, don’t forget that your organization is made by people that use their capabilities and skills in their jobs, and the more knowledge they have the better for them, but also for the organization.

Embrace the Knowledge Management culture!! We will be delighted to help on that journey.

SHA appoints Stéphane Lissillour as new Chief Customer Officer, positioning company to drive growth

SHA today announced the appointment of Stéphane Lissillour as Chief Costumer Officer. In this role Mr. Lissillour will be central to SHA strategy to leverage product portfolio and customer needs to drive growth both in current and new vertical markets.

José Luis Caaveiro, the Company’s CEO commented, “Stéphane brings significant experience into the customer support space, a critical role for our organization. His unique international experience, ability to drive multinational teams and extensive experience in rolling out international projects will be valuable in our efforts to deepen our market presence with our product range. I am confidente that Stéphane, as Chief Customer Officer, will be a success in driving our future”:

Mr. Lissilour began his career as System Enginner at Olivetti Systeme & Networks in Italy, he then joined Compaq France to develop the Service Channel, and he was then promoted to Compaq EMEA with the role of Technical Director for Africa. He moved from the IT industry to the Consumer Electronic market when joining Sony Europe where he estabished Customer Service Operations (Repair Centers, Contact Centers and web based support -including multilingual knowledge management operation). After this experience, Mr. Lissillour was then appointed as VP Customers Service by VOO, a fast growing Belgian Telco Operator. For the last 10 years Mr. Lissillour professional activities have been focused on high tech start-ups (smartphones, 3D scans, Identification software, …) where he has brought his Global Customer Centric expertise and Innovative Product Development skills.

Mr. Lissillour is graduated from Rennes (F) University in the field of Physics & Microelectronics Engineering.

For more information, please contact

SHA announces Sentiment alert feature

As of May 20th, both SHA and INTRA products include a new sentiment alert feature, enabling realtime awareness and interaction. With the help of NLP techniques, every visit is evaluated extracting customer sentiment and keywords/action items. In the event of negative feedback, backoffice will notify immediately content/article owner, and all other organization members pre configured.

“We think this new feature is a very powerfull tool for those organizations with a customer centric approach. It allows realtime interacion if needed giving visibility to the whole organzation”, said José Luis Caaveiro, CEO of SHA.

For more information, please contact


SHA announces release of Intranet/Community version

As of January 3th, SHA family grows, with a new Intranet/Community version, offering clients the possibility to deploy in a closed environment the power of search, troubleshooting and analysis of SHA solution.

Envisioned as a knowledge base tool, with easy search and troubleshooting features, INTRA will boost the usage of the company knowledge base in a wide range of operations, as will become the single source of authorized information within the organization. Speed of deployment as well as a smooth workflow management process will permit to put content in production almost “on the fly”.

INTRA is the answer to many requests from our clients, where accuracy and speed in propagating information in a closed environment like call centers is key in improving service and reducing operating costs”, said José Luis Caaveiro, CEO of SHA.

For more information, please contact

Automatic Language Translation integrated on SHA

As of September 24th, language translation has been incorporated on all SHA versions, offering users the posiblity to translated base language of the application up to 90 different languages. This achievement has been done throught the seemless integration of “Google Translate” into the SHA backend.

“It is a terrific achievement for SHA clients, as simplifies and accelerates the multilanguage deployment of our software”, said José Luis Caaveiro, CEO of SHA.

For more information, please contact